Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
East Bay and San Francisco Branches
August 2018
Get involved! Become better informed! Resist!
Work to Advance Peace, Justice and Human Rights
Our next meeting will be a Planning Retreat on Saturday, October 13th
September meeting cancelled (see below)
WILPF East Bay and San Francisco will join the
September 8th March in San Francisco,
RISE for Climate, Jobs and Justice
The march is to begin at 11 am at the Embarcadero, and continue to Civic Center. SF and East Bay WILPF members will meet at 10 am outside Diva International Hair Salon, 1 Market Street on south side of street (on BART- Embarcader take Davis St. exit). We plan to carry the “Peace and Planet before Profits” banner. Bring your own signs and chants for the demonstration and march. Send an email wilpf@wilpfeastbay.org to let us know you are coming. If you are planning to attend, RSVP here:
Hiroshima Day “March for Nuclear Abolition & Global Survival”
WILPF members from the East Bay, San Francisco and Santa Cruz joined a demonstration commemorating Hiroshima Day “March for Nuclear Abolition & Global Survival” on Monday, August 6th, at Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapon Research and Development Laboratory in Livermore.
Speakers included a Korean victim of the bomb, a former bombardier in the 1960’s who had a transformation of heart and now talking to veterans about it, Jackie Cabasso, Marylia Kelly, Joanna Macy, plus Daniel Ellsberg. Also, some young people who were at the peace camp the night before gave testimony, speaking out against nuclear war. After the speakers, the group marched to the lab’s entrance gate and read names of victims of Hiroshima and played Japanese music. There was then a die-in in front of the gate, with chalk drawn around each person as shadows of those who died. There were about 40 arrests at the gate when people did not disperse, On August 14, 2018, two long standing California nuclear disarmament organizations were invited to speak at a legislative hearing held at the State Capitol in Sacramento.
Join us for a Regional Cluster Meeting in Sacramento
Saturday, September 29th, 9:30-3:30pm
South Park Cohousing, 434 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
in the Common House (behind 440 T Street)
Meet WILPF members from around the state and share ideas. The meeting will include a presentation by Rickey Gard Diamond, author of SCREWNOMICS: How Our Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change; a related presentation on public banking; and reports back from the International WILPF Congress in Ghana by Darien De Lu and Barbara Nielsen.
Ricky Gard Diamond’s book is Screwnomics, How Our Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change. which talks about how the current system has screwed women, producing financial insecurity. She will be speaking at our Sacramento Cluster Meeting on September 29th. Gard Diamond’s book is written humorously, in a very accessible style The book includes great resources in its glossary and notes. She credits WILPF for our 1990’s research and materials on corporate Consitutional rights and the history of corporate power. In addition, she suggests women can take find their own solutions, many of which are also solutions WILPF suggests… and that includes PUBLIC BANKING — already featured in our Cluster agenda.
Professor Victor Wallis’s book Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism, is an impassioned and informed confrontation with the planetary emergency brought about by accelerated ecological devastation in the last half-century. Professor Wallis spoke on the August One WILPF call. He will be in San Francisco On October 9th at Green Arcade bookstore.
Support of Assembly Resolution AJR-33
The UN Treaty to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
This measure would urge our federal leaders and our nation to embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, make nuclear disarmament the centerpiece of our national security policy, and spearhead a global effort to prevent nuclear war.
ACTION: Write your California Assembly person asking for their support For complete text of resolution: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AJR33
SAVE Saturday, December 8, Noon to 2 pm: WILPF membership event
after the December planning meeting, 518 Valencia, S.F. More details about this event in later newsletter.
The First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases
will be held November 16-18, 2018, in Dublin, Ireland. The conference is jointly organized by the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA), Ireland, and the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, USA.
WILPF-US is one of the founding organizations of the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, USA that organized a conference in Baltimore, January 12-14, 2018, where a resolution was passed to organize an unprecedented and historic global conference.
An important article, “The Foundation For International Justice is Anti-Imperialism” makes clear why this global conference is so urgently urgently needed: it will provide the opportunity for peace groups from the many countries participating to present the situation in their country and region, and to join together to outline next steps toward global justice and peace. The list of Sponsoring Organizations from all corners of the world grows longer each day.
Here’s what you can do:
- Take a look at the basic outline and themes of the Conference Program. The program is under development, so please check back regularly for updated information on speakers and speaker biographies.
- Please read the Global Unity Statement and endorse the Global Unity Statement. Please share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
- Please post the attached flyer at public places and forward to friends, colleagues, and organizations asking that they go to www.nousnatobases.org to read and sign the Global Unity Statement.
- Registration is now open. Here is registration information and the registration form. A sliding registration fee has been set up in order to make it possible for people of different levels of income to participate.
Members have recently received the Excellent Spring/Summer Peace & Freedom publication. If you haven’t received your copy it’s likely because you are not up to date paying your dues. Link now at wilpf us join or renew membership
Jane Addams Book Awards – One of the awardee books was recommended by Betty Traynor, Fred Korematsu Speaks Up. An Honor Book for older children.
Livermore Lab’s Site 300 near Tracy is their high explosive testing range and is poised to detonate more and bigger toxic bomb blasts, lofting 121 hazardous contaminants. The site is just 7000 feet from a planned housing development. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution District has issued a decision to give the lab a permit to increase the size of bomb blasts from 100 pounds to 1000 pounds per day. They have exempted the district from all provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, which means that an analysis of this will not be done.
You can learn about the issues and send protest letters to the district. Go to www.trivalleycares.org/SJVAPCDcomment.pdf
Or send an email to publicnotices@valleyair.org
The next ONE WILPF CALL will be Thursday, Sept. 13th at 4pm. If you have not yet joined our ONE WILPF calls, add them to your calendar, the second Thursday of each month, at 4 pm. If you would like to participate and you don’t use a computer, call Sandy at 510 967–9622 for a phone link. For more information or to register: 1WILPFcalls@gmail.com
To find out more, go to http://wilpfus.org/our-work
Anti-war Leafleting: Join us on Wednesdays from 11:30–Noon at the Grove St. entrance to SF Main Library. Call Betty to confirm (415-931-1126)
www.WILPFEastBay.org or www.WILPFSF.org
WILPF East Bay
P. O. Box 13083, Oakland, CA 94661
WILPF US: PO Box 13075, Des Moines, IA 50310 Tel: 617-266-0999
National WILPF web site: www.wilpfus.org
International WILPF: www.wilpf.org