Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
East Bay and San Francisco Branches
Work to Advance Peace, Justice and Human Rights
President’s Day Protest event in SF – CEASEFIRE NOW!
Monday, February 19, 12 Noon
San Francisco Civic Center Plaza
Sponsored by Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center
Protections for Bridges Not Walls:
Chicago Immigrant Advocacy Then and Now
Saturday, February 24th 12pm
A virtual event sponsored by WILPF US
Felice Batlan, on the faculty of the Kent Law School in Chicago, will speak about the history of immigration in Chicago, focusing on the early Immigrant Protection League formed at Hull House. The League’s operation and policies have much to teach us about the current immigration crisis in Sanctuary City Chicago.
Angel Medina of Jane Addams Children’s Book Awards will speak about her organization’s investment in South Chicago children, and their current collaboration with Bouchet International School. The Book Awards are a nationally recognized publishing award that celebrates authors whose work exemplifies diversity, understanding, peaceful conflict resolution and collaboration between people. To register, for this event organized by the Chicago branch of WILPF, click here.
It’s Time to Raise Our Voices and Register Our Votes As Demands!
Poor People’s Campaign
Saturday, March 02, 2024 12:00 PM
California State Capitol, 1128 L Street, Sacramento
For 40 weeks, from February 5, 2024 to the General Election on November 5, 2024, the Poor People’s Campaign will be mobilizing, organizing, registering, and educating poor and low-wage infrequent voters for a movement that votes. . On March 2nd, they will gather at over 30 state houses and in Washington D.C. for a day of nationally coordinated, simultaneous direct action. Get more information about the event at the State Capitol in Sacramento and register
Sunday, April 6th, 1-3 pm
East Side Arts Alliance, 2277 International Blvd, Oakland
Sponsored by the Haiti Action Committee
On the 20th anniversary of the 2004 coup that overthrew the democratically elected administration of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the Fanmi Lavalas Party, we commemorate the continued resistance of Haiti’s grassroots movement.
Featured speakers: Dr. Maryse Narcisse and Joel Edouard “Pacha” Vorbe, members of the Fanmi Lavalas Executive Committee, via zoom.
Haiti’s Lavalas governments made historic advances in health care, women’s rights, housing, economic justice, food sovereignty and education. The 2004 coup reversed these gains and ushered in 20 years of foreign occupation, dictatorship and terror, and a wave of neoliberal economic policies that have created a disaster in Haiti. But the achievements of the Aristide administrations are etched deep in the soul of Haiti and remain a foundation for Haiti’s future.
Join us for this special event with leaders of Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party of Haiti.
The TPNW has just reached 70 states parties!
“Congratulations All Around on this newest milestone. The African island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe became the 70th country to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).
“In 2017, I remember the thrill of where we were then, and this number of ratifying member states seemed so hugely distant then. We have much more to work on, but what a much more hopeful place to be doing it in 2024. Many thanks to everyone who has been, is now, will be, or thinks they might begin working on getting the next ratifying member states ready to do so. Best to all for such hope among the thistles being encountered!”
Barbara L Nielsen, San Francisco Branch
Treasurer and Former Co-Chair, DISARM End Wars National Issues Committee, WILPF US
www.WILPFEastBay.org or www.WILPFSF.org
WILPF East Bay, P. O. Box 13083, Oakland, CA 94661
WILPF-SF, P. O. Box 590253, San Francisco, CA 94159
Before Enlisting: https://www.BeforeEnlisting.org/
National WILPF www.wilpfus.org
International WILPF: www.wilpf.org www.facebook.com/WILPF