“..Global warming and nuclear war are two different ways that humanity, having grown powerful through science, through production, through population growth, threatens to undo the natural underpinnings of human, and all other, life.” – Jonathan Schell, 2007
During this year’s August 6 Hiroshima Day rally at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, Pennie Opal Plant, a co-founder of Idle No More SF Bay and an organizer of the upcoming Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice march in San Francisco on September 8, made a compelling appeal that we rise up together as one human family to address the twin existential threats posed by climate change and nuclear weapons. Pennie invited us to march together, as an anti-nuclear contingent, in the largest climate march on the west coast!
WILPF Eastbay and San Francisco,Western States Legal Foundation, SF Bay Area PSR, Tri-Valley CARES and the Livermore Conversion Project accepted the challenge. With co-sponsorship from 20 other groups we are organizing a No Nukes! No Wars! No Warming! contingent in the September 8 climate march. Please join in!
Please join and support the NO NUKES! NO WARS! NO WARMING! contingent in the Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice march on Saturday, September 8 in San Francisco.
note change we will now meet in front of the Vaillancourt Fountain at the foot of Market Street (facing the Ferry Building, turn left). Look for our large banner starting at 10:30 am. March to Civic Center steps off at 11 am.
NO NUKES! NO WARS! NO WARMING! We are marching for nuclear abolition and global survival:
BECAUSE the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists this year moved the hands of its symbolic Doomsday Clock to 2 minutes to midnight – as close as it’s ever been, citing “the failure of President Trump and other world leaders to deal with looming threats of nuclear war and climate change”, and declaring, “the world is as threatening as it has been since World War II”;
BECAUSE over 14,000 nuclear weapons, most an order of magnitude more powerful than the United States atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 92% held by the U.S. and Russia, continue to pose an intolerable threat to humanity and the earth’s environment;
BECAUSE the dangers of wars among nuclear-armed states are growing and all of the nuclear-armed states are engaged in programs to maintain and modernize their nuclear arsenals;
BECAUSE the United States is actively engaged in wars and military activities in 76 countries, 39% of those on the planet;
BECAUSE the U.S. military is the largest institutional consumer of oil in the world, with an enormous impact on climate change;
BECAUSE climate change causes refugee flows and fuels international tensions that can lead to war;
BECAUSE “conventional” wars fought over oil and other diminishing resources could escalate to nuclear exchanges, by accident, miscalculation or design;
BECAUSE the U.S. is violating its general obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to protect the climate, and under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to negotiate the global elimination of nuclear weapons;
BECAUSE nuclear energy creates radioactive poisons that remain lethal for hundreds of thousands of years and contributes to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, it is an unacceptable part of the solution to climate change;
BECAUSE nuclear weapons and global warming are two different ways that the human species can do enough damage to the ecosystems we depend on to threaten not only our own survival but that of most life on this planet;
BECAUSE nuclear weapons and global warming are predictable products of an economy and society dependent on endless material growth, driven for centuries by ruthless competition among authoritarian organizations of ever increasing size;
BECAUSE in this time of multiple global crises, our work for the elimination of nuclear weapons takes place in a broader framework, taking into account the interface between nuclear and conventional weapons and militarism in general, the humanitarian and long-term environmental consequences of nuclear war, and the fundamental incompatibility of nuclear weapons with democracy, the rule of law, and human wellbeing.
WE TAKE ACTION TODAY – and each day forward – to defend all life from the twin threats of thermonuclear war and global climate catastrophe. We rise up in solidarity today to achieve an ecologically sustainable and nuclear free world tomorrow.
The NO NUKES! NO WARS! NO WARMING! contingent is sponsored by:
Western States Legal Foundation
SF Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility
Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
Livermore Conversion Project
Grandmothers for Peace International
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center
People’s World/Mundo Popular
Northern California Communist Party
Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
St. Rita Catholic Church
INOCHI / Plutonium Free Future / Safe Energy Project
CA Department of Peacebuilding Campaign
Canticle Farm
Women’s Intl. League for Peace and Freedom,
Earth Abides Catholic Worker Farm
Socialist Viewpoint magazine
East Timor Religious Outreach
Bay Area – System Change not Climate Change (BA-SCnCC)
Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Action Council
United for Peace and Justice
Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy